Attorney's BriefCase® courses:

Can I use this list as evidence that I completed these courses?
I lost my certificate of attendance.
I borrowed a colleague's DVD of an ATTORNEY'S BRIEFCASE® Beyond the Basics™ class. How do I claim credit for it?
There is an error on my list.
What happens to my data after the reporting period ends?
My MCLE and FLS credits don't match.
What does it mean if "PP" appears in a column?
If I purchase a DVD or a CD but do not watch immediately, how does My Legal Education Log track the day I actually watch the DVD or listen to the CD?

Other Legal Education Providers

How does MY LEGAL EDUCATION LOG know how many credits I have completed from other education providers?
How do I know how many credits I received from a program?
Can I edit my entries in this section?
Can judicial officers utilize this service?
Can I enter courses I have taken in years before the current reporting periods?

About Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE):

When did Minimum Continuing Legal Education start in California?
What are my reporting dates?
How many credits do I need each reporting period?
What is the maximum amount of "self-study hours" permitted in any compliance period?
What are the Special Requirements within the total hours required?
What records do I need to keep?
When am I not subject to these requirements?
What if I am only on active status for a portion of the reporting period?

About Family Law Legal Specialist re-certification:

How do I know my certification date?
How do I enter my certification date in MyLegalEducationLog.com?
To recertify as a Family Law Specialist, do I have to be practicing exclusively Family Law?
What are the educational requirements for recertification?
What records do I need to keep?
How can I "carry-over" a course to the next reporting period?
Do these requirements apply to me if I am a judicial officer?